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Make The Special Moments Special

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One thing you’re all going to do soon is to “learn to relax” right?


So why haven’t you done it quite yet? Because you just don’t seem to have the time right now but soon you will and you’ll master the art of deep relaxation; right again?


Many of us are guilty of this kind of procrastination whilst we live incredibly busy and stressful lives. We dream about a time to come when our lives won’t be this way. We’ll then take time in our lives to appreciate the things in life that are truly important to us, in a calm and relaxed way.


Of course, the problem is that such a time will never truly come until we’re too old to do much else. So we have to force ourselves, no matter how busy we are, to seize these moments today. This doesn’t need to involve an hour’s meditation or a yoga class. The truth is, we already have moments in our daily lives, which we can make more of if we do it properly. The trick is to be strict with ourselves in setting these few moments aside.


So, for example, never eat lunch at your desk whilst working or discussing business if you can avoid it. This time should be as sacrosanct as you can make it. You’re a human being who needs nourishment and whose life shouldn’t be dominated every second by the need to earn a living or other purely practical necessities.


Similarly with coffee and teak ten minute breaks during the day. If you have the chance to – then make them special. Set aside a few minutes to be calm and concentrating on the taste and nature of your drinks or snacks etc., rather than simply wolfing them down as you talk about work.


Caffe Cagliari now have Nespresso compatible capsules, which are exquisite, for example, and really can make your coffee break something to savour. And it’ the savouring if the moment; the calm of the break, the appreciation of the tastes and aromas that surround you – and concentrating on all these things – that has a meditative effect and restores your equilibrium. This process is also re-energising for your body and soul.


It’s simplicity itself; but making the special moments special and doing all you can to keep them so can have a wonderful effect on your life.